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How To Adapt to Dentures As Quickly As Possible


It’s tempting when discussing the benefits of dentures to downplay the transition that people have to go through while getting used to living with dentures in Waterloo. At Harmony Dental, we take a different approach. We want to be completely transparent and honest about every stage of providing you with dentures to solve your tooth loss. But we promise we won’t stop there. We’ll also provide you with proactive information, support, and treatment to speed and ease that transition. The combination of information, patience and diligence will hold you in good stead for decades of comfortable living and eating with dentures.  

Here are five tips to getting used to living with dentures from a dental clinic in Waterloo. These tips will acknowledge some of the areas of life with dentures that will take a little getting used to and will provide you with some insight to help make that process easier. 

Don’t neglect your gums 

Food particles, plaque and even bacteria have nasty habits of accumulating between your dentures and your gums. With full dentures you no longer have to worry about tooth decay, but gingivitis and periodontitis are still threats. Keeping your gums healthy is essential to ensuring your dentures fit comfortably and to keeping you healthy. Brush your gums gently every day using a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Don’t forget to brush your “teeth” daily 

Your dentist constantly told you to brush your natural teeth twice a day. Brushing your dentures is essential, too, but you can get away with doing so just once daily. Brushing your dentures will keep bacteria from building up on them. Skipping the brushing, on the other hand, will allow stains and even odours to linger on your dentures.  

Keep your dentures wet when you aren’t wearing them 

When your dentures are in your mouth keeping them wet is as easy as, well, keeping them in your mouth. Outside your mouth, though, dentures will dry out unless kept moist and, as they dry out, can warp and crack. Whenever you’re not wearing your dentures, keep them wet by submerging them in water or denture cleaner.

Keep talking, even when it’s uncomfortable to do so 

There’s no getting around it. Talking with dentures is going to take some getting used to. The way that you make sounds with your breath, tongue, lips and teeth will change because dentures change the interior shapes of your mouth. For a while, it’ll sound like you’re speaking with a lisp — because you will be. You’ll be tempted to stop talking, but that’s the very opposite of what you should do. Here are two strategies to try instead. First, make a list of the words that give you the most trouble, and speak them to yourself in the shower, while walking the dog, and whenever you are alone until you feel more comfortable. Second, read out loud to yourself. Trust us. It’ll get better faster the more you practice.  

What to do if your dentures are slipping

Here’s another thing we don’t want to hide. Because traditional dentures are not anchored to your jaw but sit on your gums, they will slip occasionally — not nearly as often as you fear they might, but it can happen when you sneeze, cough or laugh. When it’s happening, simply bite down gently and swallow to guide your dentures back into position. If it seems to happen a lot, or a lot more often than it used to, get in touch with a dental clinic in Waterloo. The staff will check to see if any adjustments should be made to get you back on track.  

Do you have any questions you want answered? Wherever you are in your journey from missing teeth to living confidently with full or partial dentures, reach out to a dental clinic in Waterloo. If you’re investigating the possibility of getting dentures near you or going through your own adjustment phase, we’d love to help.


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