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What to Expect at a Routine Dental Exam

Keeping up with oral health is typically an area of overall health that is overlooked by many. A routine oral exam in Waterloo is the best way to prevent any issues from becoming worse and to catch a problem early on.

Why You Should Visit the Dentist Regularly

Many people only visit the dentist when they experience pain or think something is wrong. This could be avoided by regularly visiting a dentist in Waterloo. Biannual check-ups can help your dentist detect and treat oral health issues early on, as well as prevent the need for invasive dental treatments in the future.

During an oral exam in Waterloo, your dentist will screen for cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and tooth decay. Catching these problems early on will increase the success of treatment and will help save you money in the long run.

Frequency of Dental Exams

Your dentist will start by gathering information about your oral health to be able to determine the best schedule for you in regards to cleanings, check-ups, and maintenance. Typically, if you have a healthy mouth your dentist will recommend a visit once every six months. However, if you have any oral risks or show any high-risk factors your dentist will recommend that you visit more frequently to better address those issues. How often you will have to visit a dental clinic in Waterloo depends on the health of your teeth and gums.

Routine Dental Exams

Dental cleanings are typically performed by an experienced dental hygienist, followed by a check-in from one of the clinic’s dental assistants along with your dentist. Your routine dental exam includes the following.

1. Medical History Intake

Your dentist will ask questions and take a look at your medical history to learn about your overall oral health over the years. They will ask you if you are taking any medication, have any healing remedies in process, and if you consume alcohol or smoke. Your dentist has to ask if you are under treatment for any medical conditions. They might also ask you about any previous dental treatments, surgery, or procedures you’ve been through. This will help your dentist in creating the best treatment plan for you.

2. Investigations

Your dentist will need to investigate your teeth, jaw, supporting structures, and gums. A few other aspects will be implemented to help get a better idea of your overall oral health. These include the following:

X-rays: X-rays are used in detecting abnormalities that can’t be seen by the eye alone. Your dentist will start by taking x-rays of your full mouth before checking any specific areas at future visits. X-rays aren’t required during every visit to the dentist.

Dental Cleaning: Dental check-ups involve the removal of any tartar that has formed on your teeth and under your gums. Once the tartar has been removed your teeth will be polished. You will then be recommended proper techniques to help maintain your oral hygiene.

Examine the Results: Your dentist will use visual and X-ray results to evaluate your risk of having future dental abnormalities and will check for any dental defects.

Oral Cancer Screening: At an oral exam in Waterloo, your dentist examines the soft tissues in your mouth and the area around your jaws for any signs of oral cancer.

3. Education

Your dentist will take the time to discuss their findings and talk about any concerns you may have. A specialist might be recommended if there are any serious concerns about your oral health.

Preparing for a Dental Exam

When you’re preparing for a dental exam you will need to be able to provide your dentist with; your medical history, radiation history, and any allergies you have. Regular visits to the dentist could be the difference between having straightforward dental visits or needing invasive dental procedures. 


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