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Showing posts from September, 2020

Different Types of Cavities and How They Can Be Fixed

Many symptoms are signs that there is a cavity growing. A toothache, tooth and gum soreness, pain when chewing, sensitivity to cold/hot food and beverages, tooth discoloration, and random ache. But the clearest of them is a visible hole in the tooth. In some cases, there might start as a chalky white spot; if untreated, it wears the enamel down and turns into a cavity. Looking at your teeth’s mouth at home is the key to detect early signs of oral issues. Our specialist in children’s dentistry in Waterloo will give you the tips to know what to look for in their teeth and gums. Cavities in Small Children If you are the parent of a baby, you must look for their front teeth. It is the place where cavities tend to form if they are being breastfed or sleep with a bottle during the night, and no oral hygiene right after. You might as well have to check their back teeth (molars) if they are young kids with an irregular brushing. As for the cavities in between the molars (if there is