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Showing posts from December, 2019

Pediatric Dentistry – Facts to Consider

Babies develop teeth before they are born, a fact that may be unknown to other people. The teeth will only become visible when the baby reaches six months of age and a full set of baby teeth develop when the child reaches 3 years of age. However, these teeth will fall off to pave way for adult teeth. There are also quite a lot of interesting facts about pediatric dentistry that you should know. Some of these facts are outlined below. Alternatively you can visit a pediatric dentist in Waterloo for finer details about dental health care for kids. Tooth decay is prevalent among kids When you visit a pediatric dentist near you, you will soon learn that tooth decay is the most common disease among children. The condition destroys a child’s teeth which can affect your overall health. According to the CDC about 42% of children develop a cavity before reaching age 11. Cavities are preventable While cavities are prevalent among children, the good news is that they are preventable.